5 Reasons Why You Should Teach a Novel Unit Using Esperanza Rising

Can I just say that I LOVE the book Esperanza Rising? Out of all the literature out there for kids, this one sings to me. Pam Mu ñ oz Ryan is a wonderful author and the character of Esperanza is such an evolving character, and the plot allows for rich discussion. I could go on and on about this book, but rather, I'll give you the rundown of the 5 big reasons why you should use this book in a novel study. 1. Symbolism Teaching symbolism is so fun and kids are amazing at it. If you've ever done a poetry unit, you know what I mean. Kids are incredibly poetic and have such a unique perspective that it gives me goosebumps when I read their thoughts. This book allows for looking symbolically. Each chapter is a fruit or vegetable that is being harvested on the farm, but beyond that they represent something significant in the chapter and to Esperanza's evolution as a character. Here are what a few of my sixth graders wrote on some of the chapters: " I think ...